Department of Information Systems



The head of the department is Information Systems, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Tusupov Dzhamalbek Aliaskarovich.

The department provides training in the following educational programs:

6В06103 - Information systems;

7М06103- Information systems;

8D06103 - Information Systems;

The department carries out training in the following experimental educational programs:

IT management in the framework of OP 5В070300 - Information systems;

IT audit in the framework of OP 5В070300 - Information systems.

Implementation of EP 6B06103 - Information systems, 7M06103 - Information systems, 8D06103 - Information systems are provided by qualified teaching staff who meet the qualification requirements for licensing educational activities and has full scientific knowledge, modern teaching methods, the necessary skills and experience for effective transfer of knowledge students in the framework of the educational process and feedback. The faculty of the department is formed taking into account the profile of the specialty and the content of modular educational programs and standard plans of specialties in accordance with the Typical qualification characteristics of teaching staff positions and persons equivalent to them (order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 338 dated 07.13.2009)

In the period 2012 - 2017 Most of the faculty of the department have passed foreign scientific internships: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Tusupov DA (France); Ph.D., associate professor Ospanova T.T. and Ph.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Boranbayev S.N. and senior lecturer, master R. Taberkhan (Belgium); Ph.D., teacher, master Abdelieva M.N. (Russia).

The Department of IP invites leading world-class scientists to lead and participate in promising research projects. Since 2011, a joint (with the Novosibirsk State University and the Institute of Informatics Systems named after AP Ershov SB RAS) is being carried out a grant project of the MES RK on the priority "Information and telecommunication technologies" on the topic "Formal methods of specifications and their application in program development (2011-2014, head. D.A. Tusupov) and a grant project on the theme “Development of an information retrieval thesaurus (including the morphology of the Kazakh language) in full-text databases on IT technologies” (2015-17, head of Tusupov D. A.).

In order to develop international activities in the field of education and science, as well as to improve the international rating of ENU, an invitation to give lectures by leading foreign scholars is practiced at the university. From 2013–18 academic years to the present, more than 15 foreign specialists from the Russian Federation have been invited to give short lectures: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the NSU, Dr. Sci. Fedotov AM (Novosibirsk), professor of FEFU, D.Sc. Abakumov A.I. (Vladivostok), Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Sciences of the SB RAS, Ph.D., Associate Professor Murzin FA (Novosibirsk), ft. RAS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, VNS IM them. Sobolev, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Karchevsky A.L., Garanin N.O., Ph.D., Institute of Informatics Systems. A.P. Yershov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, VV Starovoytov, (Minsk), Chief Researcher of the Joint Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

In order to increase the participation of external practitioners with high professional achievements in teaching applied disciplines and organizing students' project work to teaching at the IP department, while implementing the EP Information systems, employees of the department of KSI Factor LLP were involved: 5 in the 2013/14 academic year ., in the 2014/15 academic year - 4 employees, in 2015/16 - 3 people, in 2016/17 academic year -3 people

On the ENU website to monitor the satisfaction of students, faculty and staff of the ENU, there is a “Polls” heading ( The AIS PLATONUS system provides for an assessment of the work of teaching staff by students.