
Education field: 7М06 Information and communication technologies

Direction of preparation: 7М061 – Information and communication technologies

Group of educational programs:  М094 Information Technology

Name of the educational program: 7М06112Artificial intelligence technologies

The purpose of the educational program: Preparation of masters proficient in technologies, methods and tools, software and methodologies used to apply to real problems of artificial intelligence

List of positions: artificial intelligence specialist; Data Mining Specialist; specialist in neural networks; machine learning specialist; specialist in computational linguistics; university teacher;

Professional area: research and development of methods and models for representing knowledge in intelligent systems; intelligent search and information processing in distributed environments and the Internet; processing and analysis of big data, pattern recognition; solving fuzzy and complex problems; higher education systems and research

Education field: 7М06 Information and communication technologies

Direction of preparation: 7М061 – Information and communication technologies

Group of educational programsМ094 Information Technology

Name of the educational program: 7М06109 – Administrator for the management and protection of computer systems and networks at enterprises

The purpose of the educational program: preparation of masters with skills, knowledge and abilities in the field of computer technology and software, able to apply methods and technologies for protecting computer systems and networks in professional activities

List of positions: information security consultant; IS management systems auditor, information security specialist, software engineer (programmer); safety engineer; secure software developer; software testing specialist; software maintenance specialist


Professional area: public and private enterprises and organizations that develop, implement and use organizational, hardware and software methods and means of storing, transferring and analyzing information.